Historical Images
Drone Aerial Photography Historical Images printed on canvass
Fundraise Ukraine with The Mentor Family Network Organization (MFNO), are raising funds to help Ukrainian refugees through aid and resettlement services in Canada. MFNO mentorship helps Ukrainian families in their first few months in Canada get settled and become independent.
This sale is of 50 aerial photographs of monuments of history and architecture of Ukraine, printed on canvas. (Zenyk) Pidperyhora provided brief historical synopsis in Ukrainian, his sister Nadiya Sytarchuk (Pidperyhora) organized, translated to English and developed the venue for this sale to take place.
Any questions about a specific photo, please email
Godovytsya. Church of All Saints
Godovytsya. Church of All Saints / Годовиця. Костел Всіх Святих
Lviv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre
Lviv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre / Львiв. Оперний театр
Lviv. St. Mary Magdalene Church
Lviv. St. Mary Magdalene Church / Львів. Костел св. Марії Магдалини
Lviv. The Church of Saints Olha and Elizabeth.
Lviv. The Church of Saints Olha and Elizabeth. / Львів. Церква святих Ольги і Єлизавети
Lviv. Church of St. Jehoshaphat
Lviv. Church of St. Jehoshaphat / Львів. Церква св. Йосафата
Lviv. Church of St. Paraskeva-Pyatnytsya
Lviv. Church of St. Paraskeva-Pyatnytsya / Львів. Церква св. Параскеви-П’ятниці